Main Stream Diffuser ozone injection system

What is the MSD SYSTEM?

Main Stream Diffuser (MSD) is the world’s first ozone injection system. Two major parts in the system are an ozone injector that can evenly distribute and inject ozone microbubbles into the main pipeline and a pipeline reactor that can maximize ozone reaction. This new technology has enhanced efficiency and economy of water treatment by homogenization of wastewater using division, conversion, reversal and turbulence.

Process chart

Water treatment efficiency of the technology

  1. Excellent synedra removal capability

    • More than 99% of synedra removed when ozone was injected at 1.5 ppm
    • In case the intrusion of the algal materials which are difficult to be removed by the standard water treatment process, 99% were removed by the operation of pre-ozonation only and the rest of them were completely removed by the post-ozonation and activated carbon filtration
  2. Provide high efficiency for the treatment of disinfection byproduct

    • The removal efficiency of disinfection-byproducts varies greatly depending on the operation of the ozone injection systems
      - A DWTP: Operated since 2013
      - B DWTP: Operated since 2014
      - Both DWTP use same water source
    A DWTP THMs 2011 2012 2013
    Sand filtered 0.036 0.040 0.025
    AC filtered 0.043 0.040 0.025
    Finished 0.050 0.044 0.027
    B DWTP THMs 2011 2012 2013
    Sand filtered 0.037 0.038 0.033
    AC filtered 0.045 0.040 0.039
    Finished 0.051 0.047 0.041

    Comparisons of disinfection byproduct removal

  3. Excellecnt oxidation reaction efficiency

    • More than 99% ozone oxidation reaction efficiency at ozone concentration of 1.5 ppm
  4. Improved removal efficiency of the taste and odor causing materials

    • More than 70% of 2-MIB and 60% of geosmin were removed at the ozone injection rate of 1.5ppm
    Component Raw water Treated water Ozone injection rate Removal efficiency
    2-MIB 0.018 0.008 1ppm 55.6%
    2-MIB 0.017 0.005 1.5ppm 70.6%
    2-MIB 0.018 0.005 1.5ppm 72.2%
    Component Raw water Treated water Ozone injection rate Removal efficiency
    Geosmin 0.017 0.011 0.7ppm 35.3%
    Geosmin 0.048 0.023 1.5ppm 52.1%
    Geosmin 0.038 0.015 1.5ppm 60.5%
    Geosmin 0.273 0.065 1.5ppm 76.2%
    Geosmin 0.139 0.039 1.8ppm 71.9%

    A DWTP Taste & odor causing material removal efficiency

Safety of the technology

Zero ozone concentration in the discharge

  • Advanced blockade of ozone into the atmosphere maintaining zero ozone concentration in the discharge
  • Improvement of the working environment and maintain the indoor atmospheric air quality standard

Dissolved ozone analyzer(1.5ppm ozone injection)

Ambient ozone monitor(1.5ppm ozone injection)

Economy of the technology

Capital and O&M cost savings

  • Compared to the conventional technology, the foot print of the site can be reduced to 50〜70% to achieve capital cost savings
  • O&M cost can be reduced in the ozone generation system by the high ozone reaction efficiency
  • The system can be operated using the gravity of the flow or by the pressure of ozone generator only without additional pressure
Ozone reaction efficiency 100% Reaction 80% Reaction 60% Reaction
Ozone consumption 8.33 kg/h 10.41 kg/h 13.89 kg/h
Ozone consumption
(10% Margin applied)
9.16 kg/h 11.45 kg/h 15.28 kg/h
Ozone generator 9.53 kg/h 12.43 kg/h 15.81 kg/h
Required oxygen 66.2 N㎥/h 86.3 N㎥/h 109.87 N㎥/h
Required cooling water 13.4㎥/h 17.4㎥/h 22.0㎥/h
Required electrical energy 92 ㎾ 118 ㎾ 151 ㎾
Oxygen cost 2,269 kg/day
105,000 USD/year
2,959 kg/day
137,000 USD/year
3,767 kg/day
174,400 USD/year
Contracted electricity cost 6,700 USD/year 7,800 USD/year 9,960 USD/year
Using electricity cost 564,144 ㎾/year
44,000 USD/year
723,576 ㎾/year
56,400 USD/year
925,932 ㎾/year
72,300 USD/year
Total maintenance cost 155,700 USD/year(100%) 201,200 USD/year(129%) 256,660 USD/year(165%)

Ease of maintenance in the technology

Reduce maintenance and idle time

  • Access for maintenance can be achieved by shutting down the system only. Evacuation of process water is not needed
  • The effect of the shutdown to the overall system is minimum due to short idle time.(Replacement can be achieved within 2 hours)

Connectivity of the technology

Achieve the improved treatment capability by integrating with membrane filtration system(Gongsan WTP)

  • Improved coagulation effect by the stabilization of colloidal materials by ozone
  • Minimize the chances of membrane contamination by removing ferrous and manganese removal
  • Provide ultimate removal efficiency at the end of the treatment


  • New Excellent Technology certification(No.493)
    • Main Stream Diffuser ozone injection system
  • New Excellent Technology verification(No.194)
    • Main Stream Diffuser ozone injection system

Actual installation

Drinking water Sewage Wastewater Livestock wastewater
  • More than 99% of algae removed
  • Removes more than 70% of taste odor-causing substances
    (2-MIB, Geosmin)
  • Removal of other THM, TOC, etc.
  • BOD 6.2㎎/ℓ → 3㎎/ℓ
    (51.6% removal)
  • Color 30 → 10 (66.6% removal)
  • 99% removal of E. coli
  • COD 36㎎/ℓ → 25㎎/ℓ
    (30.5% removal)
  • COD 200㎎/ℓ → 120㎎/ℓ
    (40% removal)
  • Color 100 → 30 (70% removal)






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